Minerva wings

Paula Ward

Acknowledged as a business transformation specialist, Paula has a deep understanding of risk, stakeholder engagement, governance and cultural drivers to enable scalability, improve performance, generate revenue and deliver sustainable growth. Focused on building capability, for organisations and individuals, good governance is core to Paula’s approach. Balanced with pragmatism and integrity, she leads people, cultivates innovation, designs contemporary people strategies and manages complex decision making processes to drive sustainable, scaleable outcomes.

Paula possesses extensive and eclectic experience within partnerships and federated organisations, as well as in the start-up, technology, higher education, sport and not for profit sectors. In addition to her executive roles, Paula has held honorary roles with the inaugural Cricket Australia Multicultural Reference Group, the Australian Institute of Sport Combat Centre Oversight Committee and Women Sport Australia. Currently, Paula is a Non-Executive Director with The Rugby Club Foundation and Sport SA. Paula is a registered Psychologist and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

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