Minerva wings

Shantelle Thompson

Shantelle is a proud Barkindji/Nygampaa/European woman, mother of three including twins. Shantelle has many roles that she plays in her personal and professional life. Shantelle is a mum, storyteller, athlete, speaker, educator, role model, mentor, facilitator and business owner. She is an activist and social entrepreneur who believes that actions speaks louder than words and strives to be the change she wants to see in the world.

She is a three time world champion in Jiu-Jitsu, former National wrestling Australia Athlete, Oceania wrestling champion, survivor of sexual abuse, lateral violence, racism, challenging childhood, suicidal ideation, depression & anxiety and post-natal depression. Shantelle is the first in her family to finish year 12, graduate university and launch a business. She has a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Teaching and a graduate certificate in Indigenous Trauma and Recovery.

Shantelle combines her lived, learned and earned experiences to raise her voice to issues, share her story to inspire and empower others, and runs self-empowerment/self-development and life skills programs & workshops. She strives to weave culture, empowerment, martial arts concepts, mental health, health & wellbeing, self-development, self-care, courage and leadership elements throughout her yarning circles, programs and workshops.

Shantelle is known as the Barkindji Warrior and lives to help others find their Warrior Within – be and lead from the heart, live courageously and dare greatly.

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